Showing Collections: 21 - 30 of 374
Bryant Beames Cravens House photographs, Civil War artifacts, and other material
This collection contains photographs taken by Bryant Beames of Cravens House, Civil War artifacts, clothing pieces and various paper artifacts, circa 1863 to 1950.
Greg Beck interview
This collection includes an oral history interview with Greg Beck conducted by Marie Bourassa at Bessie Smith Hall in Chattanooga, Tennessee on 2010 October 22 regarding Beck's experiences growing up African-American in Chattanooga, Tennessee, his career at Combustion Engineering, pollution in Chattanooga, and other topics.
David Lewis Beebe papers
This collection contains correspondence regarding theology between David Lewis Beebe, Scottish theologian T. Ralph Morton, and English author Elizabeth Goudge from 1972 to 1978.
Charles Edward Bellamy realia
This collection contains a surgeon's kit with its original tools that belonged to Charles Edward Bellamy, a physician who lived in Alabama and Mississippi before the United States Civil War. He was stationed at Ringgold Hospital during the war, and served as a member of the Confederate Army until his death from disease in 1863.
Bennett-Hubbard Candy Company glass peanut butter jar
This collection contains a clear glass peanut butter jar manufactured by Bennett-Hubbard Candy Company of Chattanooga, Tennessee from an unknown date.
Better Baby Show postcard
This collection contains a postcard for a Better Baby Show conducted by the Daughters of America Lookout Council No. 60 from 1956 February 5.
R. M. Bigelow correspondence
This collection includes four letters written by R. M. Bigelow on the topic of nursing during the Civil War ranging from 1862 to 1866.
Black leather purse
This collection contains a black leather clutch purse, circa 1920 to 1940.
Paul Black World War I United States service flag
This collection contains a United States service flag with Paul Black written on it from World War I, circa 1914 to 1918.
Black Student Alliance records
This series contains records of the Black Student Alliance as well as records of the Black History Month Planning Committee, a group that formed every year to assist with programming events for Black History Month celebrations at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. Most materials in this series date from 1970 to the early 1990s.